Orientation for U3/QYs
When you are starting your U3/QY, you may have millions of questions, and you are bombarded with information from every direction. If you want more insight from students in PT or OT, join the orientation session.

PT & OT Kitchen
Do you have questions about your upcoming clinical placements? What can you expect? What are some experiences that other students have in specific fields?
U3/QY students can join Master student in a casual discussion about placements over shared food. Come with yummy food! (Please be aware of possible allergies and diet restrictions)

Career Fair
Getting ready for your life after university may be stressful. The Career Fair is here to orient you in a range of possible work places you may want to join after school. Private clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, organizations from all over Canada. It is open to all PTs and OTs. Come prepared with a few copies of your CV because you may just find what you want!
Location: SSMU Ballroom
Date: End of March

M1 Knowledge Exchange Social
During placements, each student must prepare a presentation to present in front of the department. However, why not share this knowledge with a bigger target audience? The M1 Knowledge Exchange Social was created to share Master students' hardwork and literature reviews with their classmates. In a relax environment, all can enjoy a little flash presentations followed by discussion periods.
Location: PGSS Ballroom
Time: May