SPOTGSA Elections 2021-2022: Executive Committee and Representative Positions
Please note that the dates only apply for the 2021-2022 elections. However, the same timeline trend is followed every year.
Interested? Please be sure to read all the information in our package and fill out all the necessary forms!
Questions? Comments? More information? - Contact us: elections.spotgsa@gmail.com
Election Package / Nomination Package:
Election Rules & Regulations:
Nomination Period​: March 8 - 12, 2021
Candidates Meeting​: Monday, March 15, 2021, at 8 pm via Zoom
Campaign Period​: March 15 (after candidates meeting ends) - March 21, 2021
Voting Period​: March 22 - 26, 2021
1. For 2021-2022 executive and representative positions, collect at least 1 signature from a U3/QY/M1 student who wishes to support your candidacy, by asking them to fill out the enclosed nomination form.
2. For executive positions, meet with the current member(s) of the portfolio you wish to fulfil in order to discuss the roles and responsibilities of that role. Obtain their signature(s) where required in this kit.
3. Where required, fill out your personal information, print your name as you want it to appear in the ballot, and sign the attestation of academic standing.
4. An electronic copy of your 100-word pensketch and photo (.jpg) must be submitted via email before the ballot opens. Details to follow at the end of the package.
5. Attend the ​mandatory ​candidates’ Zoom meeting on ​Monday, March 15th​ ​from 8-8:30 pm (link will be provided via email). At this meeting, we will explain the rules, procedures, and possible sanctions that are​ ​applicable.
6. SPOTGSA Elections require that all candidates carry themselves in full respect of the Constitution and By-Laws of the SPOTGSA. The officer of SPOTGSA Elections is specially charged to maintain good electoral decorum and enforce campaign violation regulations.
Any comments or queries, please contact the SPOTGSA Elections Officer at elections.spotgsa@gmail.com
Please be sure to read all the information in our package and fill out all the necessary forms from the Election/Nomination Package.
Responsibilities of all members in SPOTGSA (last update: March 2021)